TARGET: Kirna Zabete Blazer
FOREVER 21: T-Shirt and Boots
TJ MAXX: Will Smith Satin Pants
ROSS: Heart Stainless Steele Dog Tag Heart Necklace
Hi Fashion Loves,
Sorry for such a long delay but as my title states I have been trying to FIGURING IT OUT. I have as my Forever 21 T-Shirt states I have had MORE ISSUES THAN VOGUE. I have decided after the first of the year to make a harder effort to move to a Big City for awhile.
The reason for this is many I have stayed in a small town out of obligation to my parents and yes I liked a guy here, but that has been resolved.
I spend a lot of my time on my own drawing, thinking and reading but I am a Social Butterfly and it is getting to me.
The guy I liked was so sweet just a little shy when I first meet him, but now I am not sure if I really knew him at all. He was a little awkward but that is what I liked about him. He would discuss Economics all they time, which most of the time I had no idea what he was talking about but I found it so hot. I like the wired intellectual type, but he has become Cool. I get so bored with the Cool Guys that gets so old after awhile or after the second date. I always treated this guy nice and he just flipped on me for I have not idea why. I thought the Dorky guys would appreciate you but I guess not.
I have always heard if God makes you uncomfortable he wants you to move on, I am so uncomfortable. So I am going to try and get through these next few months in retail at the holidays and feel blessed. I am surrounded by wonderful associates and managers so I will enjoy their company and focus on moving on to better opportunities in the future with God leading the way.
So Fashion Loves here is to the future.
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